Confessions of a Lazy Super Affiliate: A Review


Confessions of a Lazy Super Affiliate, by Chris Rempel - PDF E-book

I bought Chris Rempel's Confessions of a Lazy Super Affiliate almost two years ago. I had already been involved in affiliate marketing for four years, but without much success. A good month perhaps brought in $500 in affiliate commissions. Fortunately we did well with my eBooks and pay-per-click advertising. But still, it would have been nice to make more from the affiliate promotions we did.

Now, before I go on with the review of Rempel's eBook, I should admit that even after reading it through we rarely do more than $1,200 in affiliate revenue. That's an improvement, and some of it is due to the lessons I took from the book, but I have not been the best student. I just have too many other projects going to focus on affiliate promotions.

I do love the idea of sending visitors from our sites to check out good products and then making a commission when they buy something, and over the years I've bought books on how to make money with affiliate products. None of them were as clear and logical as Chris Rempel's Confessions Of A Lazy Super Affiliate. By the way, none of them cost less than this one either--I think it's still under $30 as I write this (December 2010). Seriously implement any one of his "secrets" and the effort will probably be worth it.

A Blueprint For Easy Affiliate Commissions is the subtitle (or was when I bought it). The description is a good one. Rempel reveals the step-by-step promotional plan he uses for each affiliate mini-site he builds, but prior to that he lays out some basic principles, including these two:

1. Locate a large, never-ending supply of people who want to buy something specific, some solution to a problem.

2. Start tapping into that demand with a targeted website which supplies what they need.

Now, to explain the basic ideas a bit, imagine finding an existing market of ready buyers. It's a great start, and he shows you how to do it. Then imagine providing these buyers a way to find what they want. That's what your site will do. Forget the common approach of setting up a link or two and hoping people click on them after visiting your website. Design the site and the marketing to get the most likely buyers coming to it, and then send them off to buy, with you getting a piece of the action.

Rempel shows you some great ways to get free traffic, including some you probably haven't heard of before. He stresses the importance of getting loads of free organic traffic, because that keeps the business simpler and more "hands off." Who doesn't like the idea of a site that essentially runs itself once its up, producing profits day and night? For traffic help, check out his "Tools Of The Trade" section, which as he says, is "Not The Usual Crap." I've used several of the services he recommends with success (in fact, his tips here may have added many thousands of dollars to our annual revenue just due to traffic increases.

Although Rempel does walk you through the process step-by-step, the eBook is not a beginner's guide. Intermediate level marketers and webmasters will profit most from it. If that describes you--if you have already made your first dollar online and have a website or two--and you want to make more affiliate commission, get Confessions.


Without a doubt Rempel is too dismissive of Google Adsense and other pay-per-click programs as ways to make money online. Since we make far more that way than with affiliate products, and far more than from any job I've ever had, I like that method, to say the least.

He is also against the "do something you're passionate about" theory, calling it "one of the most harmful kinds of advice" when it comes to making money. Yes, a passion for an obscure interest (playing backgammon or making paper animals) may not translate into a big income online no matter what your level of passion, but there is a happy middle-ground here. I have a website where I just ramble on about my ideas on everything from new inventions to politics, and the two hours per month I spend on it generates thousands of dollars annually. As for affiliate marketing, there are many products and services with high demand, and if you find some that are more to you tastes and easier to get excited about, that will help you maintain motivation and do a better job creating useful information.

Perhaps these are minor points of disagreement, though, and Rempel really knows what he's talking about when it comes to creating profitable affiliate sites. There is another reason to go buy Confessions Of A Lazy Super Affiliate as well. It is to get on Chris Rempel's mailing list. He regularly has new products and great free information. He even gives away the occasional gift.

You can get the eBook here Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate. (Of course I get a commission!)

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