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How to Make Money Selling Homemade Coasters: A Simple Guide

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to make some extra cash? Making and selling homemade coasters can be a great opportunity to showcase your artistic talents while earning money.

Image by khats cassim via Pexels - coffee cup coaster

Coasters not only serve a functional purpose, protecting furniture surfaces from unsightly beverage rings, but they also add a touch of personal style to anyone’s home. By producing unique and eye-catching coasters, you can attract a wide range of customers and successfully build a side business.

To begin your coaster-making venture, it’s essential to research various techniques, materials, and designs that resonate with you and your target audience. Experimenting with different patterns, colors, and materials like wood, cork, or resin will help you find your niche in this thriving market. One popular option is using epoxy resin as it can be easily molded into various shapes and can incorporate various items for added visual interest.

Marketing your handmade coasters is also crucial for a successful business. Utilize social media platforms and online marketplaces like Etsy to showcase your products and reach a large audience. Additionally, consider participating in local craft fairs or collaborating with local businesses for increased exposure. By producing high-quality, one-of-a-kind coasters, you can set yourself apart from competitors and establish a loyal customer base.

Starting Your Handmade Coaster Business

When starting a handmade coaster business, there are several factors to consider to ensure the success of your venture. In this section, we will discuss Identifying Your Target Audience, Selecting Suitable Materials, and Design and Customization Options for your coaster business.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Before diving into materials and design, it’s essential to identify your target audience. Knowing your prospective customers helps you tailor your products to their preferences and needs. Consider the following when identifying your target audience:

  • Home decor enthusiasts: Individuals who enjoy decorating their homes with unique and stylish items.
  • Gift shoppers: People looking for personalized, handmade gifts for their friends and loved ones.
  • Business owners: Companies searching for custom coasters with their logo or brand identity for their offices or promotional purposes.

Remember, understanding your target audience will help you determine the best marketing channels and pricing strategies.

Selecting Suitable Materials

Next, you’ll want to select suitable materials for making your coasters. There’s a variety of materials you can choose from, including:

  • Wood: A classic, durable option that offers a natural, rustic feel. Wooden coasters can be laser-cut or hand-painted for unique designs.
  • Felt: A soft, water-absorbent material that protects surfaces from scratches and spills. Felt coasters come in various colors, making it easy to create eye-catching patterns and designs.

Consider the needs of your customer, as well as the overall aesthetic you’d like to achieve when choosing a material for your coasters.

Design and Customization Options

After identifying your target audience and selecting suitable materials, it’s time to create unique and appealing coaster designs. There are several design and customization options available for handmade coasters:

  • Laser-cut designs: Create intricate patterns and shapes using a laser cutter for a polished, professional look.
  • Hand-painted artwork: Express your artistic abilities by painting original artwork or patterns on your coasters.
  • Customization: Offer customized options for customers, such as monograms, names, or logos, to make your coasters more personal and tailored to their needs.

Incorporating unique designs and customization options will set your handmade coaster business apart from the competition and appeal to your target audience.

While starting your handmade coaster business, focus on understanding your target audience, selecting the right materials, and offering unique design and customization options. By doing so, you’ll be on the path to success in the world of handmade crafts and home decor.

Creating and Selling Handmade Coasters Online

In this age of online marketing and e-commerce, selling handmade coasters has become more accessible than ever before. There are various platforms available to help you showcase your creative talents and products. Here are some popular options and tips for selling your crafts online.

Etsy Shop Setup and Optimization

Setting up an Etsy shop is relatively easy, as the platform is specifically designed to help you sell handmade and vintage items. To optimize your shop, be sure to create high-quality product images and keyword-rich descriptions that accurately describe your coasters.

  1. Choose a unique and memorable shop name.
  2. Create detailed listings with multiple high-quality images.
  3. Use relevant tags and keywords in your product titles and descriptions.
  4. Provide excellent customer service and fast shipping options.

Sell on Amazon Handmade, eBay, and Shopify

There are other online marketplaces like Amazon Handmade, eBay, and Shopify that cater to handmade products. Research the fees and policies of each platform before committing. Using these popular online marketplaces can help you reach a wider audience.

Building Your Own Website and E-Commerce Platform

If you prefer full control of your eCommerce presence, consider building your own website using platforms like WordPress with WooCommerce integration. This option enables you to customize your website’s look and feel, implement promotional tactics, and access more detailed analytics.

  1. Choose a catchy domain name that represents your brand.
  2. Select an e-commerce platform and hosting provider.
  3. Design your website’s layout for optimal user experience.
  4. Add an online shopping cart and payment processing options.
  5. Set up shipping and tax options for your store.

Leveraging Social Media for Marketing

Social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, are essential tools for marketing your handmade coasters. Create engaging content and interact with your audience to increase your products’ visibility and potential sales.

  1. Create profiles on popular social media platforms.
  2. Use eye-catching images and relatable captions.
  3. Post regularly and interact with your followers.
  4. Run giveaways and promotions to generate engagement.

By utilizing these tips and platforms, you can successfully create and sell your handmade coasters online, reaching a broader audience and potentially increasing your income.

Selling Handmade Coasters Offline

Craft Shows and Craft Fairs

Participating in craft shows and craft fairs is one effective way to sell your handmade coasters. These events attract potential buyers who are interested in unique and handmade items. To succeed in selling at craft fairs, make sure to display your coasters in an attractive manner and have a well-designed booth. Pricing your products competitively is also essential – one suggested strategy is to calculate the retail price by doubling the wholesale price, which covers your costs and ensures a profit1.

Flea Markets

Another great option to sell handmade coasters is at flea markets. These markets often feature numerous vendors selling a variety of products. Since flea markets attract bargain hunters, it’s important to price your coasters accordingly to stay competitive. Additionally, make your booth visually appealing and consider offering a discount or bundle deal to entice customers.

Consignment Stores and Local Shops

Collaborating with consignment stores and local shops can also help in selling your homemade coasters. Consignment stores typically take a percentage of the sale price as their fee, so ensure that your pricing still allows for a profit. Establish connections with local store owners and present them with samples of your handmade coasters. Emphasize the unique and locally-made aspect of your products to increase the chances of them being carried by the store.

Running a Profitable Handmade Coaster Business

Controlling Production Costs

To maximize profit in your handmade coaster business, it’s essential to control production costs. One way to achieve this is by sourcing affordable, high-quality materials. Buying in bulk may also help reduce costs. When building your coasters, find efficient construction techniques that minimize waste, labor costs, and time spent on each piece without compromising the final product’s quality.

Pricing Your Coasters

Setting the right price for your handmade coasters is crucial for running a profitable business. Conduct research to understand the market’s pricing range and consider factors like production costs, labor, and competitors’ prices. Don’t undervalue your products – price them fairly to cover your expenses, make a profit, and establish a favorable brand perception.

Calculating Wholesale and Retail Prices

Calculating wholesale and retail prices for your handmade coasters is vital for generating consistent profits. Start by determining your cost of goods sold (COGS), which includes material costs, labor expenses, and overhead. To calculate your wholesale price, add your desired profit margin to the COGS. Distributors or retail partners usually purchase products at the wholesale price, so consider adding an additional margin when determining your retail price. This not only ensures you make profit but also allows room for discounts or sales promotions.

For example:

  • Material cost: $2
  • Labor cost: $1
  • Overhead: $1
  • COGS: $4
  • Desired profit margin: $2
  • Wholesale price: $6
  • Additional margin for retail: $2
  • Retail price: $8

Expanding Your Handmade Product Line

One way to increase profitability is by broadening your handmade product line. Expanding beyond coasters can attract a wider customer base and create opportunities for cross-selling or upselling. Consider adding complementary items like placemats, table runners, or even trivets to supplement your coaster line.

Remember to maintain a consistent level of quality across all products and ensure the new additions align with your current brand identity. This approach can help earn you more customers and a steadier stream of extra cash.

Tips and Tools for a Successful Handmade Coaster Business

Quality and Consistency

To create a successful handmade coaster business, it is essential to focus on quality and consistency. Ensure that the coasters you create are of high quality and consistent in size, shape, and design. Invest in proper tools and materials that will assist you in creating professional-looking coasters. Also, take your time to perfect your skills in order to maintain a high standard.

Top DIY Coaster Ideas

  • Washi Tape Coasters: Use washi tape to create colorful, patterned coasters. These are popular among DIY enthusiasts and can be top sellers.
  • Pallet Coasters: Pallet coasters made from repurposed wooden pallets are a sustainable and trendy option. These coasters have a rustic look and can be easily customized.
  • Fabric Coasters: Sew fabric coasters using a sewing machine and a variety of patterns and textures.

To increase passive income, stay up-to-date on popular DIY trends and create a variety of coaster options that cater to different preferences and interests.

Woodworking and Sewing Tips

When crafting wooden coasters, use the proper tools and techniques to achieve clean, smooth edges. Learn from woodworking tutorials to improve your skills and ensure your coasters are both functional and visually appealing. When sewing fabric coasters, use a high-quality sewing machine and choose sturdy fabrics that can withstand use.

Online Tutorials and Skillshare Classes

To improve your skills and learn new techniques, take advantage of online tutorials and Skillshare classes. Many expert crafters offer online tutorials to guide you through the entire process of creating various types of coasters. Skillshare is another excellent platform offering a wide range of classes on crafts, woodworking, and sewing, which can help you enhance your coaster-making abilities and increase your business’s success.


  1. Selling at Craft Fairs: Tips & Tricks from an Expert